Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Charlestown to Scottsburg: A Spring Ride

“It was such a spring day as breathes into a man

 an ineffable yearning, a painful sweetness,

 a longing that makes him stand motionless, 

looking at the leaves or grass, 

and fling out his arms to embrace

 he knows not what.” 

John Galsworthy


It is always a delight to me to find that God has granted me another spring, and even better, another spring with the health to ride a bicycle.   I cannot remember  a spring since I was an adult where I did not have this thought. 


Spring is so lovely here, the tentative green of new leaves as they wonder if it is safe yet to emerge and court the sun and rain, the wildflowers tossing blobs of color everywhere, the daffodils sassing the cold mornings and frosts, the sound of peepers, birds beginning to defend their nesting territories and their families as the winter flock disbands.  All seasons are, indeed, lovely in their own way, but spring, following on the heels of winter, seems the loveliest of all. Perhaps it is because I tire of winter and her stark, coldness and pine for warm days made for riding in shorts and short sleeves.  Perhaps it is this that gives spring its sweetness.  So brief she always leaves me aching for more, for what was, for what wasn't, and what is to be.  Spring brings a feeling of hope, as if it reminds me that it is not too late.

I suppose that one of the things I love about spring is being able to ride again with friends who I have not ridden with since the fall.  Yes, I have ridden some through the winter, but not like I used to and many of the ones I miss do not ride in winter at all.  And I do miss them.  I miss the sounds of their voices, and particularly the sounds of their laughter.  I miss the joking and camaraderie.  And I miss the shared love of cycling, for we all DO love cycling despite the cursing on climbs, the complaints about weather conditions.  And as we age, of course, I always appreciate that they are back because so many of my friends in the past have quit cycling either due to lack of interest or health issues, and despite our fondness for each other those friendships lapse without the shared miles.  

Highway construction has taken four of my ride starts....indeed, all of my ride starts for the moment, so I have designed a course from Charlestown to Scottsburg.  Originally I was going to put on a different route that I put together that goes to Lexington, but the wild flowers on Hebron Church Road and the red bud trees along Hebron Church and Werewolf Lane have changed my mind.  I didn't have time to ride the entire ride prior to posting it, but I put it on the schedule anyway with the admonition that those who decide to ride realize there could be issues.  Most people seem okay with this.  It is only the occasional person who grouses if a road is closed for construction and they have to cross a creek, bicycle carried high on their shoulder. 

As it turns out, there are not other than Steve Rice not being able to load the route on his GPS for some reason.  It is a small group that shows but I am grateful to each of them for coming to share this sunny, spring day with me.  Phlox and Virginia Bluebells line Hebron Road near the creek as they seem to do most years.  I never seem to become immune to their beauty.  Red buds are at their peak, teasing the Dogwood who have yet to begin blooming in earnest.  

There is talking and laughter and catching up.  There is the sound of bicycle wheels turning.  And there seems to be a smile on everyone's face, at least those in the back group or the group that finishes the ride together.  Again and again Mike tells me he likes the course, and while I believe he does, I think that what he really likes is for a group to be together again on a sunny spring day where the wind, while there, is not torturous, and on bicycles.  But regardless, it makes me smile and gives me a warm feeling inside.  

The miles pass quickly, but I can't say that I am/was sated.  I crave more.  More of their companionship, more of the aching of spring tender legs on tough climbs, more of their laughter, more of the road stretching out, and more of the sunshine which seems to brighten my soul even as it reddens my skin a bit despite the sunscreen.  Spring.....comes and goes so quickly, as if she were a dream.  And I am not sated. 

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